26 February 2009

Arwen, Undomiel, Evenstar, Whatever

How comest thy part in this tale?
And who dared enlarge it so far
That, bloated, thou staggerest onward,
And thy role doth so hopelessly mar?

The footsteps thou strivest to follow
Are truly so small and so light,
That any attempt that thou makest
Goes blundering into the night.

Thou ought to be small, unoffensive,
And not go out wandering so much,
Chasing Gondorian Rangers,
Whose hearts thou so gropingly clutch.

Hypnosis by brain-waves thou sendest
To a gullible soul far away.
Thy necklace, a chain ever-clanking,
Obsesseth him day after day.

Thou seest how low is thy standing
In the favor of one, which is me.
I think that thou long ago should have
Been drowned on thy way o’er the sea.

Thou askest now why I am speaking
To thee, whom I esteemest so low?
I’m done now, but why did I bother?
Ask not, because nobody knows.

~Tierney Erwin

p.s. Since my reputation is worth so much, and hangs already on a thread so fine, I feel compelled to point out that 1) I wrote this years ago (I forget how many), and 2) even then, the formal English (thee, thou, -est, etc....what is that called, anyway?) was bad on purpose.
There. Now I feel better.


Luke said...
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Luke said...

Your poem, it doth nail the problem,
That the movie doth have with the book,
The makers tried too hard to make it,
And so too much liberty took.

There is my attempt at a poetic reply. I hope you aren't gagging too hard.

Qtierney said...

Quite possibly the best comment anything I've written has ever gotten. I didn't gag once, not even a little.

Jessica said...

I think my opinion on this one hath been given already, so I shall not attempt poetry.

I know, I don't check up on your work much, here...but I'm trying, now. And it was fun to read this old one again. I might be able to find a date on it for you...:)But I doubt you really care that much.